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Possible parasite in turtle tank

22 14:43:40

Hi Tina!  My daughter has 3 red ear sliders, and a map turtle.  We have had all of them for about 2 years.  They are all approximately the same in age and size, have had no foreseeable health problems, a little lazy when trying to feed them fish, but eating regular turtle food just fine.  I was observing them last evening and noticed what looks like a parasite in the water.  These things look like small white hairs that swim.  They go to the surface like a mosquito larvae would.  I'm going to the pet store tonight with a sample of water so they can test it, but they didn't seem to know much about the "parasite".  Any suggestions on how to cleanse the tank properly?  And most importantly, should I be concerned for the turtles?

Alyssa,                                                      They sound like fluke worms. It may have been from something that you fed them that was contaminated. Its ok go to the pet shop and get fluke tabs to treat the water. Changing it all will not get rid of it. After you have treated it for the specified amount of time then do a change. In the meantime take a fecal sample to your vet and make sure they are not loaded with internal parasites. Good Luck,Tina