Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > My pet turtle is not eating the live worms in blood i got from the aquarium? it looks scared of them.?

My pet turtle is not eating the live worms in blood i got from the aquarium? it looks scared of them.?

22 13:59:57

QUESTION: He hasnt been eating the food pellets either. ever since i have got him abt 24 days back, it hasnt eaten anything. so the aquarium people suggested the blood. but it appears scared of it. it's swimming rapidly away from the worms in the water. Are they usually scared of worms?
i have taken him to a vet aslo,and giving him oral drops of antiboitics,multivitamins,since 1 week,but he still refuses to eat anything[carrots,coriander leaves,tomatoes,cucumber].we have kept a lamp over him for light.we r staying in india[mumbai],so the water in his pond is not cold also.we change his water every day.just feeling bad that he has not eaten anything since abt 25 not want to lose him.the vet says this is the most he can do.

ANSWER: Hi Sangeeta, It is common for newly acquired turtles to take a while to settle into a new environment and start feeding. It can take them a while to get over the stress of the change and feel secure enough to start eating. They can also be very nervous when they see what they may think is a predator nearby (you!) and not feed in your presence in the beginning. He may be taking some of the pellets and worms when you are not watching.   Just over three weeks is not that long for turtles as they have a lower metabolism then mammals and can go much longer without food. I think it was just over 2 weeks before my new turtle started eating when I got her. Turtles often use scent when they hunt and the blood worms may have a scent that does not appeal to your turtle or he does not recognize. If your turtle is young it is much more likely to take live food like worms and fish then greens and vegetables. They are more inclined to take vegetation as adults. Are you able to get earthworms, like the type used for fishing in Mumbai? Those tend to be a very favourite food of all turtles that they cannot resist eating. Also small fish like minnows and rosy reds and small shrimp are often taken, again I don't know how easily available those are to you. The vet visit was a good idea and it sounds like the right cautionary treatment was given. If your turtle otherwise appears healthy with bright, open, non-swollen eyes and is actively swimming then I think he just needs a bit more time to feel comfortable in his new environment. Try not to handle him or do anything to scare him or cause him stress in the meantime.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi,thanks a lot for your answer.but this morning i just saw some bubbles in the water.he was resting/sleeping near a corner and there were bubbles near his mouth/nose.what does that mean?i went to the aquarium and they did not have any earthworms .they just had those blood worms.but he is not eating is going to be a month.he is not very active.he swims very little.keeps sleeping in water or on the land.i am worried abt his eating.

Hi Sangeeta, The bubbles and lack of activity and swimming are a cause for concern. Both indicate a possible respiratory infection which are common with aquatic turtles. The bubbles are caused by the mucous produced. These infections can develop due to the stress, poor water cleanliness and cool temperatures that turtles often experience in shipping and before they are sold. What you can do for him at home is to make sure that his own immune system is functioning well and that relies very much on his temperature. His water needs to be in the 24 - 30 C range and he needs access to a dry area with a warm spot of around 30-33C. His water also needs to be kept very clean. I know that you are doing that already but verify the temperatures with a thermometer as well. You may need to go back to the vet for injectible antibiotics rather then oral. These are much better absorbed in reptiles and would be more affective. Enrofloxacin or Baytril is a commonly used drug in these situations. There is  website here with more info. Good luck.