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external heat source

22 13:54:16

QUESTION: I live in tropical country.The weather here are very hot and humid.My question is do i need any heat source for reptiles when i keep it indoor?I have check the room temperature with a thermormeter.The tempereture seems to stay on 26-28 celcius degree all day long.Is it enough to maintain a reptile body heat in order to digest its food?Thanks for your reply.

ANSWER: Hello Kew,

Wow it sounds like it does get hot there, with lots of humidity too.  
If you are referring to a bearded dragon, 26-28 C is not enough heat for them to digest their food.  In order for them to digest their food adequately they need a range of 35-44 C so they can choose where they want to bask.  If they are only kept at 26-28, they will not thrive.  
Keep in mind that they come from Australia & LOVE the sun.  They will not do well without heating & become vulnerable to respiratory infections.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about tropical species?Something like iguana or chinese water dragon?

Hello Kew,

Well, tropical species still need lighting though.  
The iguanas & chinese water dragons still need basking temperatures of at least 100 or so.  
The mountain horned dragons are ones that only need a basking temperature of around 90 or so.  You might want to consider one of those.  
