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Anole bumps

22 14:03:35

I have about a 6 inch green hat lives in a tank with tree,bush and climbing sticks. I do have sand in there which I just read is bad so changing tomorrow.    The basking temp is 87 and humidity between 60 and 77%. Don't know vet history, daughter brought it home from school after a habitat study. I have a UVB spot light and a purple one for at night. She feeds it every other day (2 Crickets) and once a week a cricket with a calcium D3 supplement. It last ate at 9:00 6-15-09. The tank is misted several times a day and it did shed recently.
My concern is that he has bumps behind his ears that were not there before. Is he sick? Should I have him looked at?

Yes, have it looked at. Sounds like mites or some other cutaneous parasite. I can't say without seeing it though. Do not let the vet use ivermectin to treat it however. This medication is too dangerous. Use a dilute topical fenbendazole, or one of the over the counter mite sprays ( if it is indeed mites. ). I recommend products by Natural Chemistry Reptile Relief, rather than those containing pyretherins, permethrins, etc. Since this is an Anole, you will probably have to swab it on rather than spray.   

Also, remove and replace all substrate and disinfect the habitat, rinse completely, if it turns out to be parasites or an infectious illness.

Do not just go buy something and start treatment though, because it may not be mites.