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Italian Wall Lizard?

22 14:03:35

Hi, I was wondering if you had any care sheets for Italian Wall Lizard's, because i
cannot find any. Thanks in advance!

 As far as I know, there aren't any caresheets for them.  Since there are active colonies established where I am in New York, they would require a temperate climate, with a basking temperature of 90-95 F and a cool end of 60-65 or whatever is ambient in the house. They are diurnal, so a basking light and a UVB source is needed.  They are insectivores primarily, so crickets and roach nymphs would be a good food.  A "rock" wall would be a good thing to have in their habitat.  They must brumate, a sort of hibernation durin the winter since we have snow here.  And they will mate in spring and summer.  That is about all I would do besides giving them a good misting at least once a day to give them water, maybe a very shalow pan of water that they may want to bathe and poop in.  If they live where I do, then they are a very tolerant adaptive reptile!