Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > plated lizards/Leopard geckos/ bearded dragons

plated lizards/Leopard geckos/ bearded dragons

22 14:27:38

can i house a plated lizard with a bearded dragon if they are the same lenght. or would a leopard gecko be better to house with a bearded dragon. i will put the in a 55 or 65 gallon tank.

Dear Nick,
thank you for your question.
A leopard gecko would just be a meal for the dragon. Plated lizard is the name for a variety of species with different requirements and in different sizes, so I cannot answer that question unless I know the scientific name. But both tanks are just about big enough for the bearded dragon alone and I wouldn't co-house any other species in it.
I hope I was of some help to you