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im new

22 14:43:32

i recently bought a baby beardie. I have read up on them, learned what to feed them and how to care for them and im think im doing something wrong.....He has been sleeping all the time, and hasn't eaten in 2 days. Thats not whats making me worry.....every now and then he will shiver and it seems like he is weak. Since i had him, he won't eat greens for me, is this the problem??? can you please help me.

Hi Kayla, The symptoms you describe are definitely a cause for concern. I have incuded a link on a condition called "tetany" in reptiles which is caused by calcium deficiency. The term tetany refers to the tremors or twitching that results from this problem and it is possible that this is what you are seeing. Calcium deficiency is an extremely common health problem with captive reptiles, particularly fast growing species like beardeds. It takes a combination of supplemental calcium, vitamin D3 and the correct ultraviolet B lighting  to avoid this deficiency. For baby beardeds the insects should be dusted with calcium 4 or 5 times  per week. I have  included an excellent care link for beardeds. You can compare the recommendations there about lighting and calcium supplements to what you have been doing to judge whether this may indeed be the problem

Your best and safest option is to consult a vet rather soon. If the theory of tetany is correct then it can progress to fatal seizures. There are certainly other causes of weakness and loss of appetite like intestinal parasites that are common in beardeds. This too would require veterinary care. In the meanwhile I would keep him hydrated by soaking him in a small amount of tepid water. Either way it certainly would not hurt to try to get a small amount of calcium supplement into him. You can mix some calcium powder or liquid into a small amount of baby food and put a bit on his snout. With luck he my lick it off. Good luck with him.