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Bearded dragon needs HELP!

22 13:29:36

My male Bearded dragon has a rectal prolapse I believe!! Yesterday he had is and I had no idea what it was, my mom said that it was gone when I was at school, today I looked and it was back, he has not poohed in like a week I think. I had sand in his tank and have now taken it out. I gave him a bath in warm sugar water for about 45 minutes today. I have paper towel in the tank now. I looked for Vaseline to keep it from drying out but I don't have any!! can I use Salve or will that hurt him!? I need help on what to do! I have no idea where there is a reptile vet all the local ones are for mammals! I have done a pile of research! please help. thanks so much!!

A vet is the only one who can actually correct the problem I wouldn't use any medication that is not advised by a vet if you send me the province or general area where you live or even call a local vet they should be able to help find a reptile vet to help.  If that fails call the Zoo they should have a vet that can direct you.  The best thing to do is put a clean bandage on it so its not being dragged around and possibly get infected. Also don't use sugar water just plain water is fine.  I don't believe the sand caused this to happen.  For more information on Bearded Dragons I have a mini ebook on my site.