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Bearded dragon Help PLEASE!!!

22 13:29:37

My male Bearded dragon has a rectal prolapse I believe!! Yesterday he had is and I had no idea what it was, my mom said that it was gone when I was at school, today I looked and it was back, he has not poohed in like a week I think. I had sand in his tank and have now taken it out. I gave him a bath in warm sugar water for about 45 minutes today. I have paper towel in the tank now. I looked for Vaseline to keep it from drying out but I don't have any!! can I use Salve or will that hurt him!? I need help on what to do! I have no idea where there is a reptile vet all the local ones are for mammals! I have done a pile of research! please help. thanks so much!!

Hello Krissi,

Oh no, that is terrible.  How old is he?
Let's go over your tank setup, as prolapses are usually caused by nutritional problems most of the time.
You are on the right track with the sugar baths, but, the water needs to be cool in order to help reduce the swelling.  So, continue with the baths, daily.  I would try to find KY jelly or Aloe Vera gel, but the salve is ok, too.  What type of salve is it?  
Do you have a picture of him for me?
It sounds like he is dehydrated, possibly, if he is having to strain when going to the bathroom.
Could he be low in calcium?  What type & brand of UVB are you using, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  
If you had sand, what type of sand was it, calcium based sand or washed & sifted playsand?  He could be impacted.  

Let me know how he is doing.