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bearded dragon sleeping on his back

22 14:28:49

Is it normal for a bearded dragon to sleep on his back?  my son found his bearded dragon on his back at least 3 times within the past month.  He has a very low "log" in his living space and we are not sure if he could have fallen off of it and was unable to turn back over.  Each time after we turn him back over he has been fine and he has been eating.  The bearded dragon is at least 9 or 10 years old.

Hello Stephanie,
No that is not normal for your dragon to be sleeping or on his back.  If they do flip themselves they should be able to easily flip themselves back over.
Is this the first time that he has done this?
They cannot breathe well on their backs so try to arrange things in his tank to where he cannot fall off & flip over again?  
Wow 9 or 10 years old that is very good.  
Do you have good UVB lighting on him?  What type & brand is it & is it a flourescent tube bulb or a compact or coil light?  How old is the UVB light?
Do you supplement calcium & if so how often?
What do you feed him?
Sometimes flipping on the back is an indication of calcium deficiency.
