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22 14:01:08

got a beared dragon how to feed and when

Hi Andrew, Bearded dragons are omnivorous and will take both insects and vegetation. Young beardeds tend to take more insects and start to take a greater percentage of greens as they mature. If your bearded is a hatchling or juvenile then offer food at least daily. The crickets  need to be no longer then the distance across the dragon's head from one eye to the other. Greens can be offered in a bowl, finely chopped. Older dragons (> a year) can be offered food around 5 times per week. Whatever amount of insects they consume in 10 minutes is a good rule of thumb for the amounts. You will also need to supplement their diet with calcium by adding it in powder form and coating the insects. Pet stores carry reptile specific supplements to use. Crickets can simply be placed loose in the enclosure while burrowing feeders like mealworms can be placed in a shallow sided bowl.   

I've linked one of the best sites on beardeds for you that will go over the topic of feeding and supplementing in great detail.