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My Golden Gecko...... wont eat.

22 14:37:28

Hi there just wondering if you could help me with a slight problem. I was given two golden geckos a few months back. Was told to feed them brown crickets and fruity baby food. They will not eat the crickets at all, one will have maybe a tiny bit of baby food every few days but the other wont eat it, and the one who has the slight baby food will also eat a few wax worms every few days, what else can i try. they will not eat. also when i try to clean their cage they get really aggressive even if i don't touch them.

Hi Keri, It doesn't sound like your geckos are showing signs of illness so I suspect the problems may be one of the two other main factors that affect reptile appetites which are temperature and stress. Your geckos should have a heat source if they don't already. Just a regular incandescent bulb (around 60 watts)  over one end of the tank should be sufficient. The heat will boost their metabolism and increase their appetites.
You can reduce their stress by giving them more cover in the cage to increase their feeling of security. Pieces of bark to hide behind and plastic plants work well for this purpose. You may also need to stay out of the cage as much as you can until they settle in. Goldens can be a bit defensive and they are obviously  stressed out with you reaching in there.
They are also nocturnal so you may not witness much feeding during the day. If you are seeing droppings in the tank and are not noticing obvious weight loss then I wouldn't worry too much.
Make sure the crickets are the right size for your geckos. If the geckos are still young or sub-adults you may have better luck with medium sized crickets rather then full size adults.