Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > eggs...again


22 14:33:33

QUESTION: Hi Diane, my leopard gecko just layed 2 eggs and i put them in a hova bator incubator, at 82 degrees f, and 78 %humidity. However, the next morning, when i checked the eggs, they were all dented and didn't look like it would hatch. Can you tell me what i might have done wrong? She layed it on the paper towel, but luckily, i saw her lay it, and put it in the incubator ASAP, I provided her now with a bigger shed box. Thanks so much.

ANSWER: Hi Chris,
Most likely there was not enough humidity for them. They say adding some damp moss on top may correct the problem.  Are you using the damp vermiculite in containers in side the incubator as the links describe doing?
Also, the eggs may not have been fertile, but overnight would be rather fast for infertile eggs to collapse.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Diane, my near by stores, don't sell vermiculite, so i use spaghnum moss. I dampened the moss, and put a hygrometer in it. The hygrometer read 78 % humidity, i read on some sites that the humidity of the incubator should be about 70-80 % Is it possible my hygrometer is inaccurate? Thanks again.

Hi Chris,
If its not just one of those cheap round dial ones, it should be fine.
For the vermiculite, Home Depot or lowes should carry it....
This clutch of eggs may be a learning experience with getting things correct...I'm sure everyone that had tried hatching eggs has gone through the same thing...
what you might want to do is to try to email one of the people on some of the links I gave you on hatching eggs...they may have some tricks they use.  As I said, I've never tried to hatch any reptile eggs.