Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > red eared slider turtle

red eared slider turtle

22 11:43:15

hello i have a turtle who i suspect has an RI. he basks a lot and bubbles come out his nostrils. He does swim though when i put him in the water although he usually floats a little firs. But he also eats.HE is a hatchling and i have another one who is behaving just fine. Could he actually have an RI? Any response or information is greatly appreciated !


Aquatic turtles are really not my specialty. In the US we have a law that hatchling turtles may not be sold before reaching a certain size. If he has bubbles coming from his nose, it sounds like he does have an infection. You should see a vet for a diagnosis,

Sorry I could not be of more help
