Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > wounded ball paythons

wounded ball paythons

22 13:34:56

QUESTION: my male got bit by a big old nasty female rat and just wanted feedback thanks

ANSWER: If the wound is small treat it w/ Neosporin.  If it is large or bleeding call the vet.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the reply spike wasn't bleeding my boyfriend asked the last ? We treated the wound as told then spike began to lose his skin one scale at a time and then we soaked him in warm water and olive oil two days later he shed a normal shed now it's been three days and he is losing skin scale by scale again what do you think is causing this and what should I do?

ANSWER: It's really hard for me to tell how serious this is because I can't see it.  If the wound looks bad at this point I'd recommend a vet visit.  Skin flaking off here and there around the wound is normal, A SCALE (complete scale) falling off is not.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the wound is healed and almost no longer visible at all I should have exslained that more sorry his scale are all still intact also the skiin is shedding but flaking off one scale at a time  little circles of skin all over he had been doing this after the bite and I soaked him retreated the wound area spike shed 2 days later and looked beautiful I could no longer even see the wound now 3 or 4 days since the shed the skin is doing the same thing I held him in the light to look for mite and see no visible mites but am not sure what else could cause this kind of odd skin issue he seems fine but this can't be right

Not normal, that's for sure.  Mites wouldn't cause that anyway-not the blood sucking kind.  There are some skin mites I have seen which gather around one scale at a time and eat the skin-they are VERY tiny but there usually enough of them that you can see them grouped together.  Also each time I have seen them they have been located right in the center of the head???  He could be suffering from plain old dry skin, there could be a humidity problem with the cage, or there could be a medical issue.  Call around and see if you can find a vet you doesn't charge too much for an office visit and see what they think?  Or post some pictures on here for the experts.