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Blue crested lizards

22 13:52:04

i have just obtained 2 femal + 1 male blue crested lizards, these apparently are originally from Thailand.
Any idea what I should feed? amd feeding maggost, meal worm and some crickets at the moment. is it difficult to breed them? what sort of ambient would they need to breed?

Hi Victor

This is a close relative of the more common Garden lizard, sometimes called the Bloodsucker (Calotes versicolor) and the care would be identical. They are insectivores so your current diet is fine. Like all captive reptiles they will also need a calcium supplement dusted onto their insects regularly. This is particularly critical for females that are producing eggs. Calotes are an active, arboreal species and will do much better in a spacious cage with plenty of branches and foliage. The more natural you can make their environment the more likely you will be to get them to breed. For Calotes this means a warm, humid environment. They will need a basking spot temperature of around 90 F with moderate to high humidity levels of 60 to 80%.

Your blue cresteds are almost certainly wild caught which means they are also, almost certainly, carrying intestinal parasites. Wild reptiles routinely live with small numbers of parasites but once in captivity these same parasites can cause serious health problems.  If you do hope to breed them I would strongly advise you to have them treated for parasites as a precaution. You will be far more likely to have breeding success if the adults are in optimum health and have good body weight.

Breeding for this species is likely similar as for C. versicolor. That species produces 10 - 20 eggs which the female buries in damp soil. They should hatch in approx. 45 - 60 days if incubated at 80 - 85 F.