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Leopard Gecko - Possible tail infection?

22 14:33:52

We have a hypo-tangerine carrot tail leopard gecko that we purchased as a
baby from petco on October 1, 2007. When we purchased her, one of her
front toes was grey and it looked like only the claw was still there. It later fell
off. We know that while at petco, shed must have been stuck to it and the toe
died. After a month or two, she became very very skinny and we treated her
for parasites with medicine once a week for 5 weeks. We had taken her to a
knowledgeable vet and he advised us on changes we should make in our tank

He said it was fine to use sand, as long as it is very coarse, and that we
should keep about an inch of water at the bottom of the sand so that she can
burrow to get moisture if she needs it. We feed her mostly meal worms and
occasionally toss some crickets in, which of course she usually ignores. We
change her water daily and clean her dishes regularly. The tank has a 12hr
day lamp, a 24hr ceramic heater on the opposite side, with a heating pad
under the tank below it. She has one cardboard hide on either side of the
tank, and also a plastic skull that she LOVES to curl up in. We soaked the skull
in a 3 leach solution before placing it into the tank.

She recovered from the parasites very well, and her tail and body became
VERY fat and healthy. She had been pooping regularly in the same corner of
the tank and happily eating meal worms. She was very calm when handled,
and we usually take her out once in the evenings, and occasionally once
during the day if she's awake and active. She has also been shedding and we
haven't noticed any stuck to her.

The past couple days her poop has been small, and it doesn't seem like she's
eating. She skipped a day, and then pooped another small poop. She has also
been digging LIKE CRAZY. Then last night she was in the tank and just barked
out of nowhere. She has never done that before. There are no other pets in
the house, or other creatures in her tank. She has also been head-butting the
glass repeatedly, and also tries to claw at the glass or climb up the corner of
the tank like she wants to get out. We think her tail looks a little less bloated.

Last night we noticed that the very tip of her tail was a little pink. Today,
however, the last few millimeters of her tail have turned grey and ashy, and
then almost an 1/8" is red. When we took her out of her tank to get a closer
look, she freaked out and did NOT take well to being handled. She is
obviously very stressed. We are extremely concerned that her tail is dying,
and that she has a bad infection again, but have no idea why! Nothing has
changed in her habitat--no new objects or routines. It happened very

We are going to try and contact our vet tomorrow, but we're not sure if they
are open on Saturdays. We are extremely worried and don't want to lose her if
we can't get a vet appt until Monday! Please help!

Hello Amanda and Julia,

Firstly I don't really agree with the information you got from teh veterinarian. Even course sand can lead to impaction I never recommend sand for any reptile. Especially for young, ill or injured lizards.

I also have never heard of using the water for moisture... they do not burrow like other lizards they do however hide often and its recommended to have a "humid hide" which has moist paper towels in the bottom so they have moisture when needed.

Mealworms can be ok for leopard geckos but they do not have a lot of nutrients so I usually dont recommend feeding them to any lizard but in her case she seems to be doing fine with them and the occasional cricket.

As for the barking and scratching at the glass. She sees her reflection and is trying to get to the "other gecko" that she sees. That "other" gecko is causign her stress which would explain why she isn't too hungry and is scratching and trying to get through the glass. Cover the inside of the glass with aquarium background or something with a little less glare. Most of the time people use newspaper, computer paper, or something not so glossy. This should help out that problem (I have the same problem with one of my geckos and attacking her reflection- the computer paper helped)

And for the tail, is it from shedding? Without any wound it sounds weird that her tail would do that. Did she drop her tail or is it getting ready to detach? I am afraid I am not to experienced with that. Make sure her tank is really clean and in the mean time if you cant get her into a vets office get some neosporin or other antibiotic ointment and put it on the area just a little bit and be sure it does NOT have pain releiver in it as it could make her sick if so. That will help prevent infection and help it heal. I hope she is ok and you figure out whats wrong with her. If you have photos you can send me it would help. YOu can upload them to your question here or send them to my email at

Now that I think about it it could be an old shed that didn't come off and is now tightening around the tail causing it to as you said die. Send some pictures and I might be able to help more.

Good luck