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Bearded Dragon - Humidity

22 14:40:34

Hi Tara,
What a great idea for a site. As a new bearded dragon owner and persistent
worrier, this is ideal.

Two weeks ago I got my first beardie - 'Scuggy' (around 3 months old) she
(we think she is a she) is eating well... in so much as she can't get enough of
the crickets! However, she doesn't seem to touch her fruit/veg (a mix of
romaine lettuce, red cabbage, apple, pepper.) I have only ever seen her eat a
couple of bits of pepper in the whole two weeks! Is this OK?

The other main issue I have is the humidity of her cage. It is at a pretty much
constant 60% which seems high to me. The tank has two 100mm vents and
only has a small water bowl in so I can't work out how to bring the humidity
down. Today she was definitely breathing more sharply and gaping, but could
this just be her cooling, or could it be signs of respiratory trouble?

Cage temps:
Day: Cool end 78. Hot end 84. Basking 95
Night: Constant 75.

I really appreciate your time,
many thanks,

To answer the first question.  They usually will not eat their greens of fruit if there are crickets present if the dragon si 3 months and not a tiny newborn then feed it crickets maybe once or twice a week and offer it fruits and vegetables the other times and experiment a little to see what it likes and does not like.  Most of my beardies don't like much fruit occasionally watermelon of some banana but not too much else.  Just depends on the dragon and make sure you are chopping it up fine enough for the dragon to eat.

Humidity wise  it sounds like there may not be enough air flow the top of the cage is made out of screen or mesh correct?  You mentioned small vents but that was all if the top is not totally vented then you need to get one that is or if the cage is particularly high it may not even need a top as beardies aren't the best jumpers in the world.