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22 13:51:59

My wife and i are trying to find some plants to put in our iguana's room. We found two that we like but are not sure if they are safe for him to be around. one is a mass cane plant, also known as a corn plant. the other one is a gold capella. they are both tropical plants. if you could let me know that would be great. also any other plants that we could put in there would be great. thanks

Hi Jason,
The gold capella(Schefflera) and the corn plant are both listed on some toxic lists. When I find contradicting info on any plant, I take the side of caution and don't put it where the iguanas can get it. Here is a link to both safe and toxic plants and even why some are toxic.

Weeping fig trees are safe as are the Hibiscus.  With the Hibiscus, they are a blooming plant and the igs just LOVE the flowers. Both the fig and the hibiscus can tolerate some climbing on them but there really isn't a living indoor plant that can handle what an iguana can do. Using fake are the best way to go with the iguana and even then, they sure can destroy those also.