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beardie and water =dragon

22 14:45:55

Hi, i have spken to you before, my bearded dragon recently has started to go a bit darker in his skin, i think that he is going to shed soon but the only reason i think this is because the tip of his nose has gone to a grey colour and his tail aswell, althought the rets of his body is a yellow colour , the normal colour, is he about to begin shedding. Also, i have got my water drgaon back from my cousin and it is about 2 years as he was minding it for me, its 2 years old and it keepsa going to sleep for about 3 days, waking up having a couple of mealworms and going back to won't eat much but i do not know what my cousin has been feeding it but it is really fat and my cousin sed he didnt feed it locusts or crickets, he fed it proper live food, so i am tkaing it that he has been feeding it live mice which i think is terrible. Is this normal for it to go sleep for a few days after a big meal like a live mouse ? Thanks

Hello Daniel, it does sound like your bearded dragon is about to shed. Bathing him will help with that. What kind of setup do you have for the water dragon? Is it a Australian Water Dragon or Chinese Water Dragon? Do you have UV lighting and a heat lamp? How big is he from snout to tail tip? What are the temperatures and humidity levels? All of this is really important. He might be older then 2 years and it could be "his time" If he is over weight it will shorten his life span. How big of an enclosure do you have for him? Let me know these things and I will go from there. Pinky mice are good for adults and are high in calcium however its not needed. Crickets are the best. Worms can be dangerous and can cause them to get impaction within the digestive system and its best to avoid meal worms or any worm with a hard outer shell. Talk to your cousin and ask him if this is normal behavior. He might just be stressed at the fact that he is in a different place. It can really stress them out. So answer as many as my questions you can and add as much detail as you have. Let me know how it goes.