Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Geckos eyes stuck shut

Geckos eyes stuck shut

22 14:02:43

QUESTION: My leopard geckos eyes are not moist enough and when she went to sleep and shut her eyes since they were not moist enough she couldnt open her eyes all the way.I've been dropping water in her eyes like a bath and i think she is improving but i dont even know if that is the problem.The picture should tell you if im right or not and how i should treat it.

ANSWER: Hello Liv,

It appears to be retained shed, is that correct?  Have you tried bathing her daily to help that area?
You do have a moist humid hide, correct?
That is very important to have one in there, & placed right on top of the undertank heater to help release the humidity when heated up.


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QUESTION: I do not think that it is reatained shed.But she has had that problem before and we got all of the skin off her.Now it seems to be that she closed her eyes while sleeping and then they were not moist enough so now she cant open them and i think water works.I dont want to give her medicine unless she has a medical problem but i think that water helps am i right if it is just her eyes aren't moist enough?

ANSWER: Hello Liv,

That is just so odd.  She should not need "moist" eyes though to keep them from not sticking shut.  
Have you tried the antibiotic eye ointment, did I send you the link to buy the Terramycin eye ointment?
The saline solution would probably work better than just plain water as it doesn't have any chemicals in it & would soothe the eyes more than just water.


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QUESTION: You did not send me the link but i would like to look into it.

Hello Liv,

How is she doing today, is she eating right now?  I hope she is feeling better.
Here is the link for the Terramycin:
