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Bearded Dragons environment

22 13:32:10

QUESTION: We have two bearded dragons that are 2 yrs and 1 1/2 yrs old.  They are in great shape, right now they live in our kids room, but I have the option of getting a amazingly large tank for them, they are in a 100 gal now.  Only problem is the only place in the house it would fit is the garage.  It is pest free, no chemicals and clean.  We live in Fl so the temps don't get too cold and out garage seems to not get too hot even at worst summer temps.  Can you keep them in the garage or is it too hot?

ANSWER: Hello Christy,

Are they both females?  
Well, unless there is adequate ventilation in the garage or you could put in a window a/c unit, I believe it would get way too hot for them.  Also, the garage probably would not be bright enough unless you have several windows in there.
A 100 gallon is good sized, what size of tank do you have the opportunity to get now?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One is a boy and the other a girl.  Its a custom made one that is about the size of a bookcase (laying flat, has multiple landings for them to climb on and a little lagoon.  The garage doesn't get real hot, I have asthma and I can be in there for awhile.  There is not windows but with their daylights I thought that might be bright enough.  I can instal a fam to circulate the air.  Just thought they would enjoy the larger play area.

Hello Christy,

Well, I think you should install a couple of ceiling fans & a box fan, & then monitor the temperatures in there first, before automatically putting them in there.  The temperatures can quickly climb too high & they can become overcome with heat.  
Are you using any UVB lighting along with their basking lights?
Are you planning on breeding?  If not, they will breed eventually so if you aren't planning on breeding, you should put a divider between them so they wont breed.  Are they related from the same clutch, or not?
I am sure that they would love having a larger area, definitely.  Just get the ambient temps stable before putting them out there.  The ambient temperatures in the garage should not exceed 82 at the highest, because coupled with their basking lights, they will get too hot if the temps get higher than that.
