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Questions About My Leopard Gecko

22 14:45:57

To start off, I would like to know how many crickets to feed my 8-month-old female leopard gecko. Also, is a diet consisting of only crickets good enough for her, or should I add something more? If more, please tell me what other food sources are best. I have a small cap with a little bit of calcium powder in which my gecko eats when she needs to. I feed her 5-6 crickets everyday every morning, afternoon, and evening. I've read that feeding geckos once at night is suffice. Is that true?

Also, what are the perfect temperatures for her cage in the daytime and nighttime? Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate it!

During the day time the temps should be 85-90 and no lower than 75 at night.

You can also feed her mealworms.  Just set out a dish of them at night and she can help herself.  I actually prefer to use them as a staple instead of crickets.  You can feed them only once a day.  They are nocturnal so they do like to hunt at night.