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dumpy tree frog eating habits

22 14:29:24

Are her feet normal?
Are her feet normal?  
QUESTION: I have bark as the susbtrate for my dumpy tree frog and she eats bark thinking it is a cricket several times a month.  Is this healthy?  Will it hurt her?  How often should I change the bark?  
Also, is being able to see the bones in her feet (see picture) normal?

thank you for your question.
Her feet are perfectly normal, she's a very healthy-looking frog.
The bark can be a problem, it might cause impaction. I recommend switching to coconut fibre bedding (Eco Earth/Forest Bedding) because it doesn't have any big pieces. It comes in a brick and expands in water, one brick will fill a 20g after the water is squeezed out of it. It looks like coffee grounds and it keeps moisture very well.
I hope I was of some help to you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is there any option other than to use coconut fibre?  I am extremely allergic to all nuts including coconut.

Unfertilized potting soil would be another option. But I think the coconut substrate would be safe for you to use unless you get an allergic reaction just from touching an unopened coconut. It's made from coconut husk, the fibres that surround the actual nut you can buy.