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Bearded Dragon Sacs

22 14:29:05

Hello. My girlfriend and i have owned a male bearded dragon for over a year. We have had it sexed twice at two different locations. Yesterday, our bearded dragon dug a kind of pit and near the pit were two sacs. Small and oval like, the outer "shell" is soft like a cocoon but more solid. My girlfriend works at a pet store but we are unsure if they are eggs or not. They do not appear to be that similar to pictures of the eggs i have found online. Any suggestions?

Hello Kari,
If you could show some pics I will confirm that for you.  I can pretty much tell you that those are eggs, as unless your dragon was impacted with something strange, that is all that they could be.
You can show me a picture of the vent & tail area by gently lifting the tail & show the vent area so I can tell the sex.  
Most people don't know how to accurately sex them.  Where did you take your dragon to be sexed?
