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incubatiom of turtle eggs

22 14:32:16

I have some pet turtles, one laid some eggs. I would like to know the incubation period for these eggs. She dug a hole in a sandy and laid her eggs the covered them

Thank you .....await your answerq

Hi Shiv, The incubation time varies with the temperature. As a general rule most water turtles take 2 - 3 months (60 - 90 days) to hatch if the incubation temperature is around 29 or 30 C. The time to hatching can be a bit longer at slightly lower temperatures and shorter if the temp. slightly higher. Tortoises tend to take a bit longer, around 3 - 5 months. These are very general estimates and can vary by  several days on either end depending on the species and temperature fluctuations as well.