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bearded dragon mood

22 14:32:16

I have had a beardie for 2 weeks she usually likes being handled but since she shed her skin 2 days ago she has taken to hiding under a leaf and has gone quite unsociable. Yesterday she fluufed her beard out at me i think she is about 8/10 weeks old. Diane

Depending on where you got her, she might be a little older.  Pet stores do buy their animals too young and they tend to be smaller from poor breeding.  If her habitat is the correct temperature and the weather outside has not been rainy, she should be out basking rather than hiding.  The shed may have started her grumpy mood but if all the shed is gone than it's time to show this little girl that mama knows best.  Talk to her softly and make all you movements slow.  When you put your hand in, always have a treat, like a juicy bug, like a yummy butterworm or some phoenix worms. After a few days, it will be a set time for holding every day. Never try and grab her from above, because that is what a predator would do, try and scoop her from below.  Hold her to your body and walk around with her, Introduce her to TV with an active colorful program, like a cartoon.  Perhaps a baby-warm very shallow bath.  Make it fascinating to be with you.  Also never put her back in her habitat while she is squirmy, only when she is quiet, this way she will learn that being quiet is the way to get back into her territory.