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bearded dragons (wanting to breed)

22 14:48:34

hiya i have a male bearded dragon about 7 months old and i'v just bought a female and she's about 11-12 months old
whats the ideal age to breed them? and i have a vivarium that is 3ft 2" i'v seperated it from 1 corner to the other with a sheet of perspex and the male turnes his neck jet black and bobs his head and she dos'nt seem to be botherd about him.... what dose this mean?  

 First, the female should be kept in quarantine for at least 60-90 days, then checked by a vet for any health issues.  Where you have her now would cause her some stress to see a male, she should have a place separate from him, so they can't even see or smell each other.  Both beardies are too young to mate this year, although the male will attempt to mate.  Puberty is usually at 6 months, but they are not physiologically mature till 18 months old.  Two years old is the optimum time for a first mating.  Before mating, they should both have a good brumation this winter (a sort of hibernation).
 Before you consider breeding, please know that a responsible breeder raises the babies for six weeks or six inches long, whichever comes last.  This means a number of tank setups complete with lighting, heating, food.  It is very expensive. A clutch of babies will go through 2 to 6 thousand crickets every week, along with their salad mush, every day.  You will not make money on it.  I breed to try and return size and hardiness to American beardies, not for the money, a hobby that costs me about $5,000 a season.