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Herbivores, Mainly Hebivores

22 14:53:15

Hey, i was wondering if you could give me a list of herbivore, Mainly Herbivore lizards, Reptiles please.
If possible could you enlist thiere:
Max size growth,
Prefered diet,
And Propper name please.

Info about me:
I currently class my self as a  semi ametuer owner as i have already looked after three geckos and water cooter turtles. (i still have them all except one gecko whome died from a desease unfortunatly!)

Thank you

thank you for your question.
Bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeos and Pogona henrylawsoni are the most commonly kept species) and Uromastyx lizards (Uromastyx spec., there are several subspecies) are omnivores, both reach a size of 1-2 ft. and need a diet of vegetables/greens with a small part of live prey. Uromastyx lizards eat beans, peas and birdseeds as part of their diet, while bearded dragons need a ratio of about 70-80% vegetables/leafy greens as adults, but the other way around as juveniles.

Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana) and Cyclura iguanas are herbivores, too - actually, they are folivores, feeding mainly on leaves. I wouldn't recommend them as pets since they reach an enormous size (4-6 ft, some Cyclura even bigger), need a lot of room (a room of their own would be ideal) and are very, very time-consuming. Most green iguanas sold in the US die after a yearor two because they are so hard to care for and because most poeple have no idea what they are getting them selves into. has good caresheets for all these lizards.
I hope I was of some help to you