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Bearded dragon molting/ discoloration

22 14:25:35

We have a bearded dragon that is about 1 year & 4 months old. Healthy so
far, good diet of crickets & collard greens & water. Has routinely molted
easily. About 2 weeks ago, we noticed an area on his "nose" had suddenly
become much lighter...almost void of all color. He tends to be brown-ish
colored byt this was a pale gray discoloration. It was triangular shaped, on
the tip of his nose, about 1 inch in length. Some also on his lower "lip".
Seemed to go away after a week, but then he started molting on that area &
also near the spikes on his lower jaw area. His nostrils looked like they were
molting too & in fact seemed to be molting INSIDE the nostrils. We thought
he might be uncomfortable breathing at one point & so did something we
have never done- we pulled the dead skin off his nostrils. What came off was
definitely something that had been inside the nostrils cuz it was like a thread
almost. It seemed to resolve for a few days but now he's got the same
peeling on the same area. Somedays he seems overly lethargic & doesn't eat
well. Other days he seems fine. What do you think this skin problem might

Hello Jan,

Oh no problem.  :-))  When the inside of the nostrils shed, a long stringy piece of skin does come out.  It is basically a nose plug so no need to worry it is perfectly natural!  I know it looks strange, but that is just how they shed that area.  
GREAT that he is shedding, it means he is growing & doing well.  

Let me know if you need anything with your setup.
