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my 12 week old bearded dragon

22 14:37:46

i am really worried i got my beardie 2 weeks ago it had a slight hard lump near the back of his head it has got bigger it looks like a tiny black point at the tip of the lump could this be life threatening i am getting it checked out but i wanted a quick answer many thanks tina

Certainly without knowing what it is, the potential is that it "could" be life threatening.

It could be an abscess, or a parasite, or something else. Especially that close to the head, the potential is that whatever it is could spread to the spine or brain and make short work of him if you want the honest truth. Best thing is to just see a reptile vet and have it checked before it gets to the fatal point. Baby Beardies are fragile and drop like flies in unskilled hands when these issues aren't addressed promptly. I wish you could see how many Bearded Dragon "help urgent" questions there are currently pending.

One thing though. If this is a young Beardie, do not let the vet prescribe Baytril antibiotic for this. Merck states specifically that Baytril is contra-indicated for use in juvenile animals because it can damage growing muscle and joint tissue; yet, many ill informed vets are still prescribing it for babies. If he needs an antibiotic, have the vet use another class of antibiotic.