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Fire belly newt

22 13:35:05

We have a 15-17 year old newt and recently he is gaining a lot of weight.  Nothing has changed in the tank, the stats are where they have always been and nothing new at feeding time.  He looks like he has been on an eating binge.  His lower jaw is puffy, his body and even his head are quite large.  This has been noticed with in the past week.  He is roughly 2-3 times his original size.  Do you have any advice on how to help this old newt?

OK, based on the fact that you kept a newt (not an easy creature to care for) alive for 15 YEARS!!!!  I will humbly admit that there is no way I know more than you about newts!  I too am worried about the sudden change, but I have no clue as to what to do about it.  My guess would be some kind of tumor...  but for all I know about newts it could be pregnant.  In all honesty I'd be surprised if you could find a vet that knew more about newts than you...  Sorry, I simply have no good news for you.  If there is a college around you with a zoology program THAT might be a place to seek advice.