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Sick Anole Lizard

22 11:53:17


Recently when visiting my parents, my mother found an Anole lizard while checking the mail. She thought it was cute so she brought it home for me. I wish she would had left him alone, but upon looking at him I realized he had a puffy closed eye. It felt kind of wrong to put him back out in the cold (I live in Georgia, so its only been around 30 degrees or so outside but its still kind of chilly) not really being able to see, but I did any way. I put him in a planter box on my front porch figuring he'd crawl away and find some place for the winter. However, he did not move for three or four days and has been really sluggish and sleeping constantly. Since then, I've brought him inside and put him in an old fish tank with tree bark, soil and a plant for him to climb. I bought tiny crickets for him to eat but he doesn't show any interest in doing so. I do not wish to keep him as a pet, but I also don't want him to die outside from being to ill to care for himself. Any suggestions on what I can do to get him healthy enough to be put back outside?

Thank You!

Reptiles brumate in cold temperatures.  (This is similar to hibernation, except that they aren't asleep).  A reptile will not eat if it's cold, because it would not be able to digest its food.  If the anole has an infected eye, you really have only two options--put him in a sheltered place outdoors to finish out the winter and let nature take its course, or take him to a veterinarian.  Half-measures would do more harm than good.  He is better off in the wild, which is less stressful, or getting proper medical care for his eye.  Warming him up to room temperature makes him use more of his stored fat reserves than he would at outdoor temperatures, but it isn't warm enough for him to become active and eat.  Anoles need temperatures of 80F with a 90F basking spot...and his infection may have killed his appetite anyhow.

Your best option is to contact a wildlife rescue center, and take him there, where they can treat his eye.