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Sick Uromastyx

22 14:04:13

I have a uro that I have had for 3 years now. I think he is around 8 or 9 years old. today we noticed that he had not moved for some time. We thought she was dead. We picked her up to take a look and she started moving. Her cage was cold so I have added more heat. Now she seems very weak and is not eating. I have read to for feed calcium and giving a calcium bath. Is there anything else I can do? It belongs to my 6 year old daughter who is very worried.


 Uros love the heat, so if it was cold to you, then she may have been hypothermic.  Her basking areas should be in excess of 120F and a cool end of 90F.  If you have already raised the temps that high and she's still weak, get her to a good reptile veterinarian for treatment, she may need an injection of supplement to boost her up.