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I think my Iguana has MBD

22 11:51:16

Hello, I have a 5 month old Iguana his/her name is Izzy.
I have a UVB lighting.
I just been feeding him/her lettuce but I've been reading alot more about what to feed my iguana so I picked up more fruit and veggies.
He no longer moves his back legs and he has a bump in the middle of his spine.
He's/she's still eating but im not sure how much he's/she's drinking or how much he's/she's been going to the bathroom.
I'm very concerned about him/her.
I was wondering since im changing his/her diet and putting him/her in the sunlight will it help him/her heal.
Also I bought some calcium powder to give hime.
I big question is can he/she heal his self if i give him the right uvb and food

Hi Randy,
He is very young to show such bad signs of MBD, but, that doesn't mean that isn't what he has.
On the not give too much.  I would rather prefer to see you get the liquid form of calcium from the vet and dose according to the vets recommendations plus, it is important to get a diagnosis. With the powdered calcium, be sure that it does not contain any vitamin D3 or want plain calcium.
When you feed your ig be sure to mist it very well with water so that your ig does get fluids. Giving your ig daily soaks help with going to the bathroom and also drinking and fluid intake.  They actually do absorb a small amount of water through their vents.
With changing the diet to the proper foods, and if the real sun is unfiltered(not through glass or fine screen) that is very good for healing.  Sometimes they can recover completely with no remaining signs of the MBD, other times, they will maintain some signs such as misaligned jaw, curved spine, etc.  Also, they need to get a good 4-6 hrs of the real sun daily..but remember, they also need to have a good shaded area so they can get out of the hot sun.  They still get some sun through a canopy of leaves.
Please read some of my past answers on proper uvb lighting and how to use it and also all the good foods they need.
Again, I do suggest a vet visit  to get a diagnosis to be sure it is indeed MBD. The not moving hind legs can also be due to an internal blockage...which is also why a vet is needed.  The warm soaks MAY help that sometimes, but it isn't a sure fix to a blockage by any means.
I'm glad that you are doing a lot of shows that you truly care about your iguana.