Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > im worried about my baby bearded dragon

im worried about my baby bearded dragon

22 14:25:02

QUESTION: I purchased a baby bearded dragon juat yesterday and on the way home he started to jump around, rolling all over the cage. he basically went nuts and after hitting himself against the walls he stopped and he seemed as if he was dead. is this a sign of a serious health problem or is a behavior thing? Bearded Dragons are not exactly leagal were im from so I need all the help i can get because it will be dificult finding a vet. Please help me out here i have only had him for no more than 30 hours but hes been doing that strange behavior since yesterday evening. Hope to hear from someone soon and Thanx a lot!!!

ANSWER: Victor, the only thing I can think of is overheating.  If you had him in a plastic or glass container in direct sunlight he could have quickly overheated.  That's my best guess based on the info I have, and unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to reverse the damage.  If you're sure that's not the problem take the dragon back to where you got it (I would have turned around on the way home!).  Good Luck, B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the jumping around stopped, but he is barely moving at all. he is staying in his basking spot and looks very sad, almost depressed. could he be dehydrated? he still has not eaten anything since i got him and its mid day today and he is still sleaping. i dont think they will take him back were i got him. so is there anything i can do to save him? please give me any tips about hydrating him or feadig him. should i give him a hiding cave, although i read that i shouldnt. what are the common mistakes when taking care of baby bearded dragons? how can i correct them? me tank setup is simple. i only put a water dish, a rock thas set under a UV bulb for basking and im using paper for substrate. any aadvice will be greately apreceated and thank you for answering me so quickly, who ever you are thank you.

Victor, you're dragon was either sick when you got it, or you "cooked it" on the way home.  There is no way I can tell you how to fix it from the other side of the planet...  I'm sorry, but I can't do miracles.  Have you spoken to the people you bought it from?  And where exactly is it that beardies are illegal?  As to rehydrating, try soaking him in Pedialyte that might help (no more than 1/4 inch deep .65 cm).