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Snake identification

22 11:47:14

I am an outdoorsman (one of the Experts -Bluebirds, birds) and often see snakes here in NE Oklahoma and can usually identify them. I saw a glossy beautiful one that I have never seen before however. It was about 3 and a half feet long and its base color was a medium tan but it also had dark brown bands about an inch apart. It was like dark brown 1/4 inch rubber bands had been slipped onto a light brown snake. It was in an oak woodland about 50 yards from a pond. I have never seen anything like it. Thanks for your help.

Bob, did you get a picture by any chance?  Without one...  Gonna be really tough.  Brown snake, prairie king snake, misc. water snakes all "fit" your basic description.  3 1/2 feet long makes me think king snake or possibly rat snake (that's big for snakes).  Maybe if you can get your hands on a field guide and leaf through it you'll be able to pick it out, but w/o a pic I can't be of much help.  Sorry!