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To many follow-ups-tiny bearded dragon

22 14:28:25


the UVB light(I think)
Here is a pic of his light, we are getting a new one as soon and I can find one, they are kinda hard to find a good one around here I have the a MVapor bulbs.  Are they ok? I do have a digital therm it has a probe like thing on the end and a cord running the the outside of the tank where the screen is.  Since I'm not sure if its a boy or girl I have been calling it Karma, cause I hope he has good karma for his sake since he is so tiny and I'm kinda new at the baby beardy thing.  LOL If it turns out to be a girl I would like to call her HOPE or Jazzy.  She for sure is doing much better but still not as perky or playfull as I think it should be.  She is still laying around and sleeping all the time execpt during baths and feedings.  Hopefully when  I get the new light and phenoix worms we will be in the clear.  Can I give her the worms instead of the cricket to does she nee crickets also?  Well thanks again for all your help

Hello Amanda,
Ok, that is definitely not a UVB light.  It is just a blue light, so colored lighting is not recommended for them.  It is way too dim.
So what sized tank do you have again?
You have a mercury vapor bulb?  What brand?  What other light are you using?
Where are you looking for lights?  If you need help, I can direct you to several places online for them.
What you need is either a Megaray MVB, a T-rex active heat MVB, OR a Reptisun 10 flourescent tube bulb, or a Reptiglo 8 flourescent tube bulb.  If you use a MVB, you most likely wont need any other lighting along with it unless you want to use a flourescent NON UVB light just for extra brightness.  If you use a flourescent tube bulb, you will have to use a bright white basking light in conjunction with that.  Halogens lights are excellent & are very bright.
Good she is doing a bit better.  I think as soon as you get her lighting fixed, she should improve alot more.
You can give her the worms, daily, yes.  However, as a growing baby, that will be expensive.  Crickets would be good to keep around to make sure she is getting enough to eat.  Feed her 2-3 times per day.
