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my snakes acting wierd?

22 14:19:07

i just bought a rough green snake and it's actually my very first snake to ever own,so I'm not so sure if it's acting weird or it's just me? lately it hasn't been so active since i bought it home from the pet store,and every time i handle it, sometimes it will sort of hang there.also it won't seem to eat the crickets that i bought it,i don't know if they're too big or what? i had to take some of them out because the crickets were bitting her and she seemed uncomfortable.And if i go to grab her or something she just sort of sits there. i used to have a rat snake for a little while before but that one was more active,why is this one not?

IN my experience Rough Scales do not do well in captivity.  The behavior you describe is not abnormal.  Be careful about overfeeding crickets will chew on the snake if left in the cage.  See if you can trade it back to the pet store for another rat snake, they make much better pets!