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Bearded dragons food

22 14:59:39

 I have 2 strange questions..strange to me.  I have just bought 2 dragons.  I have had to Male about 1 month.  The female I have had around a week.  Anyway, my male dragon (Norbert) ate some leave off a ficus plant.  He seems to be fine but I wanted to make sure from someone who knows about this sort of thing.  I have a Chamelon around my house also, thats why I have ficus plants.  Next question, I was holding Norbert after making my son a peanut butter sandwich and I guess I still had peanut butter on my finger.  Norbert seemed to like it so much he bit my finger, will the peanut butter bother him in anyway. I told you they were strange questions.  Thanks for any help.  

Is it recommended that your cage have screen on all sides or is glass the best way to go?  I had a custom cage built for my chamelon and was going to have on built to match for the dragons. Thanks again.  


 You didn't say how old the dragons are.  If you can maintain a basking temp of 100-105F with a mesh cage, fine, but be aware that dragon claws will go through mesh when they get older.  And with two dragons you need two set ups.  The more dominant dragon will keep the other from food and subtly intimidate her.  She will be overly stressed and become ill.  Usually, groups living together would be one male and two or more females in a very large "palace", introduced as adults.  Too young is not good, dragons are territorial by nature and do not hang out together.
 Ficus should not be part of Norbert's diet.  Same with peanut butter.  But a once a year "accident" isn't going to hurt him.  In fact, a well-known breeder from Canada had a female who looked forward to her annual taste of a chip-less bit of a toll-house cookie!