Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leave wild baby turtles alone?

leave wild baby turtles alone?

22 14:59:38

Hi Thomas,
I found several green baby turtles while digging in my garden (about 30 feet from a pond).  They look happy but while reading some other turtle Q/A, I get the impression they may need help getting to the water.  I have left them where I found them, but will do something else if you recommend it.  Thanks.

Hi Sandy,

if you are worried for their well being around the garden you can gently put them in a small box and move them to the pond or closer to the pond if you feel they are ok around the garden i would leave them to find there only problem with moving them closer to the pond is predators such as raccons,and fox. so if you feel they are ok where you found em
i'd leave them.

 hope this was helpful feel free to ask any questions you may
have .

              thanks for the ?
