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Metabolic Bone Disease

22 13:32:41

My Bearded was diagnosed with Metabolic Bone Disease by a Vet. I am giving him the prescribed treatment. What I didn't get to ask the Vet was will he recover completely? He has trouble walking but is getting better. The Vet said that he believed that the base of the tail is broken but nothing else. He also said the legs were "cartledge like" classic signs of the disease.
  Finally, the tail is slowly dieing. It is black and withering from the end to halfway towards the base. The Vet said it may get infected and gave me antibiotics. He said he may have to amputate. Shouldn't it fall off on it's own?
  Thank you for your time, George.

Hello George,

Can you post a picture of him?
So, his entire tail was broken then?  Wow that is too bad.  Did he possibly have retained shed that constricted circulation?  
Normally just breaking the tail shouldn't cause the entire thing to die off or get infected.  If somehow the break affected the circulation, that is what would cause the die off.  
What treatment are you giving him, liquid calcium?  How much, & what is the concentration of the calcium?
He should slowly get better, but depending on the severity of his case, it may not be 100%.  If you can stop the progression of things, but you can't really reverse what has already happened.  
Are you using a UVB light?  If so, what type & brand do you use, a fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
