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Exotic Species Trade

22 14:34:12

There are many articles I have been reading up on the internet that are opposed to the trade of exotic animals, including reptiles, which are all very justifiable. Although I am very interested on the views of someone who can justify in favour of the exotic species trade.
I do hope you can help
Thank you

Hello John,
I don't appreciate the pet stores who sell the exotic animals. I beleive it should be strictly for experienced breeders and people who have knowledge of what they are doing. A permit should be issued for those wanting to sell exotic animals such as reptiles. I also beleive that the person recieving the animal should be able to recall everything that is needed to know about the species.
I am against the exotic species trade when it comes to pet stores. They have no idea what they are doing and give poor examples and never give the buyers the knowledge they need. I beleive in order to sell or buy you should have a permit for that species. Saying you know what you are doing. It is a very controversial subject. I am all for people who want to rescue and overall keep reptiles. I think they are magnificent creatures. However with the lack of information the trading of these animals becomes very dangerous and many species will die. I am not sure of my opinion and keep argueing with myself in my head. But I do know that pet stores should not be allowed in the involvement of exotic species unless certified to do so and do random checks of the care and husbandry given to the animals in their keep. Almost like the health code in restaurants. There should be a test for any person to take care of certain animals and they need to have permits to look after these animals. There should also be inspections given by a certified person to check up that everything is going correctly. I beleive the same for breeders. I am really not sure what I am getting at and I hope this all makes sense.

So I don't think I am exactly for the Exotic Species Trade but I don't think it should be illegal to keep these species. I just believe that people should be more responsible and on a tighter chain when it comes to this.
Make any sense?
I hope it does, let me know if you need anything clarified as that was a little jumbled. Anything else pertaining to this matter please email me as I like to keep my allexperts account strictly for helping reptiles and owners in need of help and advice.

Thank you,