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Crested Tail Gecko Swollen Rear

22 14:33:28

We have a female crested and the area underneath her tail is swollen and have caught her several times licking it. She is the only reptile we own. Approx 8-10 months old. Infection? TIA

Hello Erik,
The part that is swollen is it at the vent (anal opening)? Is there anything red coming out of the vent? If so then its a prolapse which is very serious and fatal if not caught early enough and she would need to go to a vet immediately. There is no home remedy or anything you can do about it.

If it is just the tail and not near the vent then it could be a possible infection in which case she needs to see a vet as well to get any treatment that may be needed.

Good luck, and I hope its nothing serious

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