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Leopard Gecko Eye Problem

22 11:42:19

Closed eye.
Closed eye.  
QUESTION: I have a four/five year old Leopard Gecko, I noticed after a few days he was struggling to remove the skin around his head/mouth/eyes. When I looked closer I noticed his left eye was closed, and he won't open it. I'm worried, I'm not sure if it's from the the skin that has yet to be shed or something else. I put him in a container with some warm water and used a q-tip to lightly dampen his head, I also attempted to but a drop of eye drops  into the closed eye. What else can I do to help the little guy? His tail is solid, I don't believe he's malnourshished what do I do? I feed him dried warms and crickets, but I put some live crickets in  case it's a nutrition related issue.

ANSWER: Jenna,

Thank you for your question and the picture. It looks like his whole head, at least the side I can see, has not shed completely. His eye isn't closed per se, it's got a dried scale over the top. Increase the humidity in his tank. And give him several warm soaks a day. You might even try dampening a wash cloth and very gently rubbing his head with it. Don't use any eye drops, or any liquid other than water. It also sounds like he needs to be eating less dried food. He looks healthy but needs more liquid. Live food is always better.

If he hasn't finished shedding in a couple of days, he really needs to see a vet. I think with more humidity, some soaks and gently rubbing with a damp soft cloth, the excess shed should come off.

Best of luck to you both.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Here is a better image. How do I go about clearing up the eye?

As I said, they shed the lining of their eyelid which is what I believe is making the eye look the way it does There is a chance he has an eye infection, you should probably get him to a veterinarian. There is really no other advice I can give you other that what I already have,
