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Going on vacation care for bearded dragon

22 14:19:21

Hello Diane,
Our bearded dragon is about a year and a half old and we plan on going away for Christmas for about 10 days.  We are students at a university living in an apartment and don't have anyone to care for her. Your previous answer to a simliar question suggests taking it with us but we have to cross the US boarder and don't think it will be allowed.

Is there any way we can leave her at home in her comfortable aquarium for 10 days?  That would be so much more simple for us.
Thank you!

Hmmm..pray for brumation? That would be the ideal time for your beardie to brumate, that's for sure!! I don't know if your beardie will brumate, but it is a thought is a link on brumation.
Although its not the ideal solution, it may be the only solution you have and even brumation does not guarantee your beardies safety for the length of time.
10 days is too long to try to provide for them with food and even water for that length of time. Insects would overrun the cage...and really cause problems with their feces...greens would turn to a rotted mess..dry foods would severely dehydrate the beardie most likely..and 10 days worth of water would get rather nasty..if it was even possible to provide 10 days of water with what their basking temps are..  scroll down the page..there are several contacts there that you can contact to see what regulations pertain to traveling with a pet reptile. (I'm assuming you mean from CA to the US?)
Its tough to find any info on crossing borders with reptiles...other that wild caught reptiles that are being resold.
Have you checked to see if you can find a pet sitter? Someone that would take in your beardie for the time.  
You may want to check out some of the Bearded Dragon Groups on Yahoo.  The first two groups listed there are good groups.. Maybe someone there would be willing to critter sit in their may have to travel a distance if you do find someone.
Sorry I can't just tell you that you can do this or that and your beardie will be ok for 10 days. I just don't feel its possible.