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Crested Gecko Bone Structure

22 15:00:58


I have a crested Gecko, I took him out of his cage a couple of days ago, he looks like his spine is rounded out to the side and one of his back legs is very enlarged?  I had him out the second day and noticed that he can straighten himself out, but appears to perfer being curled?  I have taken to hand feeding him right now, crickets, baby food and the gecko food (sorry can't remember the name,  something T-rex maybe, it is a brown powder that you mix with water).  Can you advise about his spine and back leg.

I also would like to get a second Gecko for company, the current one is almost 1 year old, does is matter if the second one is male or female.  I am hoping for a fairly new one.


Dear Angie,

Well first let me say that the crested gecko is a great first gecko, very easy to care for to the point that if diet is well maintained you dont need extra u.v. supplementation,as you know crested geckos are a wall climber with a little added help with a prehenciltail  that has an extra grip pad at the tip, and they like to jump
witch brings me to the curv in the spine and swollen leg,let me know if he or she has jumped out of your hand or on to somthing hard as he  or she may have an injury that needs to be looked at by your vet.

some feeding tips also... cresteds love baby foods that are banana peach and apricot also soft NON-CITRIC fruits, and can be supplimented with bee pollen,spiraluna,kelp,and calcium, repti-cal is a good brand.

cresteds wererediscovered after they were thought to be extinct in 1944 the rediscovery was in new caledonia,

as for adding another males will allways seem to get a long for long periods of time but once you introduce a female the breeding behaviors and aggression will come to play,
so if you know you have a female and are not planning to breed right a way get another female.

i hope this helps let me know
