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Plumed basilisk, boy or girl?

22 14:34:47

Hello, I purchased a plumed basilisk from a herp convention approximately five months ago.  The lizard was only a few weeks old when purchased.  I was wondering if you could tell me how to determine the gender; or perhaps when I can expect to see the crests appear if the lizard is indeed a male?  Thanks you much!

I'm afraid I don't have experience actually keeping Basilisks. But I do know that generally with any juvenile lizard it takes some time for sexual dimorphisms to become apparent. Sexing young lizards of any genus is usually quite tentative, though some species have physical characteristics that may present earlier than in other species. A male will develop 3 prominent crests however, whereas a female will only on the head. Not sure when you can expect that, other than some time before becoming sexually mature. Would probably depend highly on proper diet and lighting, as with growth rate of any species. This is variable based on how well you take care of any reptile.

As with any lizard however, some things are going to be pretty standard. Look for the development of hemipenes at the base of the tail, just posterior of the vent. A male should be developing a double bulge, with a slight depression along the centerline of the tail. That's the best way to positively tell male from female in most lizards.