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Sexing a senegal chameleon

22 14:33:48

I have 2 senegal chameleons and I was wondering if you knew of any way to tell the sex of them

Hi Schana, I have no actual personal experience working with Senegals. Our policy was to deal with only captive bred chameleons and Senegals are virtually all wild caught. Their survival record in captivity can be rather poor, I'm afraid. You may need to consider housing your chameleons separately to avoid stress as well as having them treated for internal parasites.

Back to your actual question about sexing them. This quote is from the book "Chameleons,Nature's Hidden Jewels" by Petr Necas      

"Females are typically a uniform green or brownish green but may exhibit a striking pattern of yellow or orange dots on a black or dark brown background when gravid. Males tend to have more gray and brown, often arranged in 4 roughly triangular blotches, widest toward the dorsum and more pointed toward the ventrum. The interstitial skin of the gular region is often orange. Aside from the subtle color differences mentioned above, males exhibit a broader tail base."

This article from Chamelson News is the most extensive info on line that I know of for Senegals, there are several photos of sexual pairs as well as descriptions that may help you. Good luck with your chams!