Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > green anole... male or female

green anole... male or female

22 14:35:55

I have a green anole but I don't know how to figure out if it is a male or a famale. If you would please drop me a line. I need your help!!


Hello Kaylee,
I would be happy to help determine your Anole's gender. The best way to tell is the prost-anal scales. The males will have two enlarged scales near there vent. They are not very noticeable to look closely. They will be side by side, the females will not have large scales near the vent, her scales will all be similiar in size.
Another way to tell is the hemipenile bulge. Males will have two bulges at the base of their tail while the females have one bump or none. It is difficult because of their size but there is a minimum chance of visual error.

Good luck